チェック・ポイントに関するトレーニング資料 はすでに多数公開されています。ただし、Check Point SandBlast Agentを使用したワークステーションの保護については、あまり取り上げられていません。今後数年にわたってEDRセグメントのリーダーの1人であるこの製品のトレーニングコースを改善し、近い将来に作成する予定です。それまでの間、バージョンE83.10に登場した新しいエージェント機能に関する情報を共有しています。スポイラー-LINUXのベータ版と新しいクラウド「コントロール」があります。
- CloudGuard SaaS
- Smart-1クラウド
- インフィニティSOC
- CloudGuard Connect
- 脅威ハンティング
- サンドブラストモバイル
- そして、はるかに
統合は、はるかに単純かつ高速になりました。サービスは文字通り5分以内に開始され、エージェントのロールアウトを開始できます。私たちはこれに焦点を合わせません、なぜなら このトピックは、近い将来に計画している一連の記事全体に値します。
- 安全保障
- 生産性の低下
- 法的責任と規制への準拠
- 帯域幅の消費
- 一般的な使用
- ブラウザアドオンは、Google Chromeでのみ使用できます。他のブラウザのサポートは間もなく予定されています。
- URLフィルタリング機能は現在、クラウド管理を通じてのみ利用できます。インターフェースは次のようになります。
SandBlastは、永続的なVDIと非永続的な操作の両方をネイティブでサポートするようになりました。しかし、もう1つ重要なことです。最後に、Linuxシステム用のSandBlastエージェントのベータ版が登場しました。Check Point Threat Huntingとの統合を一度に示す簡単なデモを以下に示します。
- Behavioral Guard now protects against the «Pass The Hash» technique for credential theft. Credential Dumping is new, as of the previous release.
- Fixes an issue where Anti-Ransomware does not detect a potential attack when the user is not logged in.
- Fixes Anti-Ransomware false positives due to user profile deletions.
- Fixes multiple rare cases of false positives in Anti-Ransomware.
- Fixes an issue where «out of memory» errors occur when the log lists a very large number of backups.
- When you disable Anti-Ransomware, the backup driver no longer operates.
- Improves performance as Forensics now stores fewer named objects, such as mutexes and events.
- Improves the performance of Forensics, Behavioral Guard and Threat Hunting with enhancements to our Registry Operation exclusion algorithms that reduce the number of recorded registry operations.
- Resolves an issue where an Anti-Malware scheduled scan occurs, even if it is not in the policy.
- Resolves an Anti-Malware icon scaling issue.
- Resolves a possible issue where the Anti-Malware process crashes as it shuts down.
- Resolves client network issues after a Firewall driver uninstallation failure.
- Resolves a rare issue where an added Firewall blade gets stuck in the «Initializing» state.
- Resolves a possible upgrade issue where the Firewall blade does not start due to a WatchDog failure.
- Resolves a rare issue where the Firewall policy is «Not Set» in the client after the policy download from the server.
- Resolves a possible issue where the Disk Encryption process crashes during shutdown.
- Resolves a removable media icon blink issue for an encrypted partition when Media Scan is enabled.
- Improves the work with non-UTF-8 applications. Users can toggle UTF-8 support.
- Fixes active File Transfer Protocol (FTP) traffic blocks on a standalone VPN client with Firewall.
- Includes stability and quality fixes. Supports all the features of previous releases.
- Resolves a possible issue where uninstalling the Endpoint removes components that are necessary for other applications.
- Resolves a possible issue where the uninstall fails after the user turns off «Network Protection».
- Resolves a possible issue where the Endpoint Security Client does not run correctly after an operating system upgrade.
- Resolves a rare issue where the client uninstall fails with Error 1921: «Service Check Point Endpoint Agent (CPDA) could not be stopped».
- Resolves a rare issue where an upgrade that uses «Dynamic Package» continuously loops after a download fails to resume.
- The pre-boot language selection choice is now correct after a language update in Windows.
- Fixes an incompatibility issue with Sophos Antivirus, which could not install on a machine with Endpoint Security Client on it.
- Resolves a rare User Interface (UI) issue where a malware resolution is not shown to a user.
- Resolves a client LogViewer issue, where it only shows log records that match the latest log schema.
- On the Endpoint Security Client screen, the Overview list now shows «Anti-Bot and URL Filtering» instead of «Anti-Bot».
- The client User Interface (UI) is no longer shown during manual upgrades.
- Resolves URL infections report issues in the User Interface (UI) so that the infections records are not permanent in the client and server UIs.
- Anti-Bot and URL Filtering policy now translates to all supported languages.
- Improves the performance of the Endpoint Security core driver to reduce CPU consumption.
SandBlastエージェントが提供できるフォレンジックに関する記事 は興味深いものになると思います。すでに述べたように、私たちは新しいトレーニング資料を公開することを計画しているので、私たちのチャンネル(Telegram、Facebook、VK、TS Solution Blog)にご期待ください!