


テストの実行を作成/構成/起動/監視するための基礎は、人気が高まっている若いKotestフレームワーク(以前のKotlin Test)になります。


または、Javaの世界からの無限の数:Junit4 / 5、TestNG、Cucumber JVM、またはその他のBDDフレームワーク。




— , -, Kotlin Kotest.

, . , 4.2.5, .

, , .

2020 KotlinTest, 4.0.0 , Idea Kotest, -.

4.0.7 4.1 , , , 4.0 4.1.

Java — - JS.



. data-driven property-based .


allure ( , , DSL ).



Kotlin Junit4 Junit5.

— , , , @SpringBootTest, @Test, before beforeClass .

e2e .

, , .

Kotest :

  • BDD Kotlin DSL ,
  • data driven
  • DSL .
  • (, junit)

  • , . GitHub


Kotest DSL .

String Spec — unit- .

- - : Gherkin, , .


Kotest BDD , Gherkin (Cucumber).

FreeStyle , , code-style, best practice, Merge-Request`.

5 ( ) Kotest .

, :

  1. — Execution ( Project)

  2. — Spec

    . cucumber — Feature

  3. — Top Level Test

    . cucumber — Scenario

  4. — Nested Test

    , .

    : (), (), ().

    cucumber — Step

  5. — Nested Step

    , @Step Allure. TestCase .

    - ( ) — , , .

Kotest , 4 - - Nested Test — .

Review 14.

Gherkin (Scenario Template) — Data Driven.

Kotest 3. - Top Level Test, — .


, , , , .


open class KotestFirstAutomatedTesting : FreeSpec() {

    private companion object {
        private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KotestFirstAutomatedTesting::class.java)

    init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {
            val expectedCode = 200

            "Given server is up" { }

            "When request prepared and sent" { }

            "Then response received and has $expectedCode code" { }


-, , , (FreeSpec). .

, Kotlin DSL — type-safe builder, / / pre after / .

"Then response received and has $expectedCode code"



! !

FreeSpec, FreeSpecRootScope:

abstract class FreeSpec(body: FreeSpec.() -> Unit = {}) : DslDrivenSpec(), FreeSpecRootScope

FreeSpecRootScope String -:

infix operator fun String.minus(test: suspend FreeScope.() -> Unit) { }

"Scenario. Single case" - { } String.minus, FreeScope .

, Kotlin, - , .

FreeSpecRootScope String invoke

infix operator fun String.invoke(test: suspend TestContext.() -> Unit) { }

"string" { } TestContext.


init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {

            //region Variables
            val expectedCode = 200
            val testEnvironment = Server()
            val tester = Client()

            "Given server is up" {

            "When request prepared and sent" {
                val request = Request()

            lateinit var response: Response
            "Then response received" {
                response = tester.receive()

            "And has $expectedCode code" {
                response.code shouldBe expectedCode

  1. Idea
  2. lateinit var response: Response, ,

Kotest Assertions Matchers

Kotest Assertions and Matchers.

testImplementation "io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core:$kotestVersion" Matcher-, SoftAssertion Assertion .

Matcher-, .


"And has $expectedCode code" {
    assertSoftly {
        response.asClue {
            it.code shouldBe expectedCode
    val assertion = assertThrows<AssertionError> {
        assertSoftly {
            response.asClue {
                it.code shouldBe expectedCode + 10
    assertion.message shouldContain "The following 2 assertions failed"
    log.error("Expected assertion", assertion)

  1. assertSoftly { code }

    Soft Assert assertions Kotest — .
  2. response.asClue { }

    MUST HAVE . Scope kotlin asClue response
  3. Matchers

    Matchers Kotest — , .

    shouldBe — infix .

    shouldBeBlank — infix (.. ) .
  4. assertThrows<AssertionError>


    inline fun <reified T : Throwable> assertThrows(noinline executable: () -> Unit) — ,

pre / after


(4.3.5) io.kotest.core.spec.CallbackAliasesKt kotest-framework-api-jvm typealias:

typealias BeforeTest = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterTest = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeEach = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterEach = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeContainer = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterContainer = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeAny = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterAny = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeSpec = suspend (Spec) -> Unit
typealias AfterSpec = suspend (Spec) -> Unit
typealias AfterProject = () -> Unit
typealias PrepareSpec = suspend (KClass<out Spec>) -> Unit
typealias FinalizeSpec = suspend (Tuple2<KClass<out Spec>, Map<TestCase, TestResult>>) -> Unit
typealias TestCaseExtensionFn = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, suspend (TestCase) -> TestResult>) -> TestResult
typealias AroundTestFn = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, suspend (TestCase) -> TestResult>) -> TestResult
typealias AroundSpecFn = suspend (Tuple2<KClass<out Spec>, suspend () -> Unit>) -> Unit

2 , :

  • Listener
  • Extension

immutable ( after).

, - , , , .

Listener — , .

, , 2 :

  • TestListener
  • ProjectListener

callback :

  • Listener
  • Listener @AutoScan
  • — ,

callbackFreeSpec, :

 init {
        ///// ALL IN INVOCATION ORDER /////

        //// BEFORE ////
        beforeSpec { spec ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][1] beforeSpec '$spec'")
        beforeContainer { onlyContainerTestType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][2] beforeContainer onlyContainerTestType '$onlyContainerTestType'")
        beforeEach { onlyTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][3] beforeEach onlyTestCaseType '$onlyTestCaseType'")
        beforeAny { containerOrTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][4] beforeAny containerOrTestCaseType '$containerOrTestCaseType'")
        beforeTest { anyTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][5] beforeTest anyTestCaseType '$anyTestCaseType'")

        //// AFTER ////
        afterTest { anyTestCaseTypeWithResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][1] afterTest anyTestCaseTypeWithResult '$anyTestCaseTypeWithResult'")
        afterAny { containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][2] afterAny containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult '$containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult'")
        afterEach { onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][3] afterEach onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult '$onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult'")
        afterContainer { onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][4] afterContainer onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult '$onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult'")
        afterSpec { specWithoutResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][5] afterSpec specWithoutResult '$specWithoutResult'")

        //// AT THE END ////
        finalizeSpec {specWithAllResults ->
            log.info("[FINALIZE][LAST] finalizeSpec specWithAllResults '$specWithAllResults'")

        "Scenario" - { }



  1. beforeSpec

    FreeSpec , — Spec
  2. beforeContainer

    TestType.Container, — TestCase
  3. beforeEach

    () TestType.Test, — TestCase ( )
  4. beforeAny

    TestType.Container TestType.Test, — TestCase
  5. beforeTest

    TestCase , TestType .

    beforeAny. ( TestType) ( TestType)


  1. afterTest

    beforeTest .

    TestCase + TestResult
  2. afterAny

    beforeAny .

    TestCase + TestResult
  3. afterEach

    beforeEach .

    TestCase + TestResult
  4. afterContainer

    beforeContainer .

    TestCase + TestResult
  5. afterSpec

    beforeSpec .




KClass<out Spec> + Map<TestCase, TestResult>

Kotest callback .


  1. beforeAll

  2. afterAll

ProjectListener , AbstractProjectConfig Project.

AbstractProjectConfig — :

object ProjectConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
    private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProjectConfig::class.java)

    override fun beforeAll() {
        log.info("[BEFORE PROJECT] beforeAll")

    override fun afterAll() {
        log.info("[AFTER PROJECT] afterAll")

Data Driven Test

io.kotest.data Data Driven Testing

c Data Provider-:

init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {

            val testEnvironment = Server()
            val tester = Client()

            "Given server is up. Will execute only one time" {

                    row(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString()),
                    row(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
            ) { index, uuid ->

                "When request prepared and sent [$index]" {

                "Then response received [$index]" {
                    tester.receive().code shouldBe 200

, ()

  1. , — .
  2. Given server is up , — .
  3. forAll. Row , .
  4. row .

    io.kotest.data.rows.kt 22 - .

    , Property Based Testing ( )
  5. :

    row(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString()),
    row(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
    ) { index, uuid -> block }

2 .

2 . , 2 .



uuid — .

-, qa-kotest-articles/kotest-first.


, , .

junit , junit Idea.

Idea .

Data Driven .

Groovy Spoke, Kotlin.

kotest.io4.2.0 readme.md github.

, 'Kotlin. ':

  • Kotest. , , , , Property Based Testing
  • Spring Test. Kotest. .
  • 期待待ち。APIテスト用の改造。Spring DataJpaを介したDBの操作。
  • グラドル。多くの自動テストプロジェクトのスケーラブルで分散した構造。
  • 環境管理。TestContainers、gradle作成プラグイン、kubernetes java api + helm

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