







Electron, . . Chromium, -. – . Visual Studio Code, Skype, Slack. Electron API, JavaScript, . . – , . JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, Vue – .

LinguaPlayer , : TypeScript, React, MobX, Webpack. , : , . . , , . . , DOM . , , , .

, . — srt- . – , .

 node-webvtt. « ». video- «timeupdate», . , «timeupdate» , . .

hash map. (, ), – , . :

	//    2 
	5: [1, 2]
	//    3  
	7: [3, 4, 5]

0 4 — . , , —  hash map. , . , , . 4 , . , :

//  :  ,    ( ),   , 
class Cue {
  public readonly index: number;
  public readonly startTime: number;
  public readonly endTime: number;
  public readonly text: string;

  constructor(index: number, startTime: number, endTime: number, text: string) {
    this.index = index;
    this.startTime = startTime;
    this.endTime = endTime;
    this.text = text;

interface CueIndex {
  //      ( )     ,
  [key: number]: number[];

class SubtitlesTrack {
  private readonly cues: Cue[];
  private index: CueIndex = {};

  constructor(cues: Cue[]) {
    this.cues = cues;

    //       ,  

  private indexCues() {
    this.cues.forEach((cue: Cue) => {
      const startSecond = Math.floor(cue.startTime / 1000);
      const endSecond = Math.floor(cue.endTime / 1000);

      //   (  )  
      this.addToIndex(startSecond, cue);
      // ,      ,         
      if (endSecond !== startSecond) {
        this.addToIndex(endSecond, cue);

  private addToIndex(secondNumber: number, cue: Cue): void {
    //       ,     
    if (!this.index[secondNumber]) {
      this.index[secondNumber] = [];


  public findCueForTime(timeInSeconds: number): Cue|null {
    //   timeupdate     
    const flooredTime = Math.floor(timeInSeconds);
    const cues = this.index[flooredTime];
    let currentCue = null;

    if (cues) {
      for (let index of cues) {
        const cue = this.cues[index];

        //  ,             
        if (this.isCueInTime(timeInSeconds, cue)) {
          //  ,        
          currentCue = cue;

    //     null,      
    return currentCue;

  public isCueInTime(timeInSeconds: number, cue: Cue): boolean {
    const timeInMilliseconds: number = timeInSeconds * 1000;

    return timeInMilliseconds >= cue.startTime && timeInMilliseconds <= cue.endTime;

, , 4 , , 1 4.

 node-sentence-tokenizer. div sentence word , . :

import Tokenizer from 'sentence-tokenizer';

function formatCue(text: string): string {
  const brMark: string = '[br]';
  const tokenizer = new Tokenizer();

  text = text
    .replace(/\r\n/g, ` ${brMark}`)
    .replace(/\r/g, ` ${brMark}`)
    .replace(/\n/g, ` ${brMark}`);

  //  text    

  const sentenceTokens: string[] = tokenizer.getSentences();
  const sentencesHtml: string[] = sentenceTokens.map((sentenceToken: string, index: number) => {
    const wordTokens: string[] = tokenizer.getTokens(index);
    const wordsHtml: string[] = wordTokens.map((wordToken: string) => {
      let brTag: string = '';

      //      ,     html   
      if (wordToken.includes(brMark)) {
        wordToken = wordToken.replace(brMark, '');
        brTag = '<br/>';

      //    span   word    br,  
      return `${brTag}<span class="word">${wordToken}</span>`;

    //   ,  ,     span   sentence
    return `<span class="sentence">${wordsHtml.join(' ')}</span>`;

  const html: string = sentencesHtml.join(' ');

  return html;

 Microsoft Translator  , .


, MVP, proof of concept. . , -, Urban Dictionary , . ,  LinguaLeo  Skyeng. .  Anki. .

, , . , , . , – Chromium.   , , H.264 FLAC MP3. , . – . , , .

したがって、現在の主な阻害要因はコンテンツです。アプリケーションで問題なく再生でき、簡単かつ迅速に取得でき、ライセンスや著作権を侵害してはなりません。コンテンツの問題が解決され次第、プロジェクトに取り組んでいきます。それまでの間、興味のある方  は、アプリケーションのコンセプトバージョンをダウンロードしてお試しください

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