

, , . , - , . - . , - ... , ?

, . , PullRequest-.

. .

if-else when

Java Android. Kotlin, .

fun getNumberSign(num: Int): String = if (num < 0) {
} else if (num > 0) {
} else {

- 7 . :

fun getNumberSign(num: Int): String = when {
    num < 0 -> "negative"
    num > 0 -> "positive"
    else -> "zero"

, 5.


  . 2 (Kotlin + Java), . - " …"

: . , Kotlin  else-if

. . №9   .


 , . Kotlin (  ) , . , .



data class Message(
  // ...
  val isDelivered: Boolean

? ? ,  Message

  ? , , ?


data class Message(
  // ...
  val isDelivered: Boolean,
  val isRead: Boolean

, ProductOwner . ? - "" . , - . - must have IT . - , , , .

" " , . -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> . - Boolean ?!!! COVID-19 .

? PO, . , , . , . , ?


4. e.t.c.

, ,  Message

  : , , , …  . :

data class Message(
  // ...
  val state: State
) {
    enum class State {

. , , … , , , . , ? . , , . , :

data class Message(
  // ...
  val states: Set<State>
) {
  fun hasState(state: State): Boolean = states.contains(state)
data class Message(
    // ...
    val states: States
) {
    enum class State(internal val flag: Int) {
        DELIVERED(1 shl 1),
        READ(1 shl 2),
        SHOWN_IN_NOTIFICATION(1 shl 3)

    data class States internal constructor(internal val flags: Int) {
        init {
          check(flags and (flags+1)) { "Expected value: flags=2^n-1" }
        constructor(vararg states: State): this(
            states.map(State::flag).reduce { acc, flag -> acc or flag }

        fun hasState(state: State): Boolean = (flags and state.flag) == state.flag

: , , .  ? ?  - - . - . - .


data class Message(
  val isSent: Boolean,
  val isDelivered: Boolean
  val isRead: Boolean,
  val isShownInNotification: Boolean
fun drawStatusIcon(message: Message) {
  when {
    message.isSent && message.isDelivered && message.isRead && message.isShownInNotification -> 
    message.isSent && message.isDelivered && message.isRead -> drawReadStatusIcon()
    message.isSent && message.isDelivered -> drawDeliviredStatusIcon()
    else -> drawSentStatus() 

() . .

. , .

data class User(
    val username: String?
    val hasUsername: Boolean

. GUI . , ,  hasUsername

. , .

// OK
val user1 = User(username = null, hasUsername = false) 
// ,   
val user2 = User(username = "user", hasUsername = false) 
// OK
val user3 = User(username = "user", hasUsername = true) 
// ,    ,     
val user4 = User(username = null, hasUsername = true) 
// ,   ,     
val user5 = User(username = "", hasUsername = true) 
// ,   ,     
val user6 = User(username = " ", hasUsername = true) 

. - username


data class User(
    val username: String?
) {
    fun hasUsername(): Boolean = !username.isNullOrBlank()

- . , . , . :

data class User(
    val username: String?
) {
    val hasUsername: Boolean = !username.isNullOrBlank()
    val hasUsernameLazy: Boolean by lazy { !username.isNullOrBlank() }

  • .

class UsernameHelper {
    private val cache: MutableMap<User, Boolean> = WeakHashMap()
    fun hasUsername(user: User): Boolean = cache.getOrPut(user) { 


, . , , … . , , , .

3rd party services backend.    .

// ...
val result = remoteService.getConfig()
if (result is Result.Success) {
  val remoteConfig = result.value.clientConfig?.keys
  for (localConfigKey: ConfigKey in configKeyProvider.getConfigKeys()) {
  	  sharedPreferences.edit { putString(localConfigKey.key, remoteConfig[localConfigKey.key]) }  
enum class ConfigKey(val key) {


  . , InMemory. 20 . , ?

: InMemory / SharedPreferences / Database / WeakInMemory… .  SOLID - , ; open-closed principle , "" .

// ...
val result = remoteService.getConfig()
if (result is Result.Success) {
  val remoteConfig = result.value.clientConfig?.keys
  for(localConfigKey: ConfigKey in configKeyProvider.getConfigKeys()) {
        configKey = localConfigKey, 
        keyValue = remoteConfig[localConfigKey.key]
interface ConfigKeyStorage {
   fun put(configKey: ConfigKey, keyValue: String?)
   fun get(configKey: ConfigKey): String
   fun getOrNull(configKey: ConfigKey): String?

internal class InMemoryConfigKeyStorage : ConfigKeyStorage {
	private val storageMap: MutableMap<ConfigKey, String?> = mutableMapOf()
  override fun put(configKey: ConfigKey, keyValue: String?) {
    storageMap[configKey] = keyValue
	override fun get(configKey: ConfigKey): String = 
	override fun getOrNull(configKey: ConfigKey): String? = 

, . , . - , . , N , DI/IoC , . , .

. , ( ). , - . . , .


, .  null

  , . , - remote.

interface UsernameRepository {
    suspend fun getUsername(): String?
class RemoteUsernameRepository(
    private val remoteAPI: RemoteAPI
) : UsernameRepository {
    override suspend fun getUsername(): String? = try {
    } catch (throwable: Throwable) {

, e  String?


. , .  getUsername() == null

  . , .  SuccessState === FailState


. , .

, . :

interface UsernameRepository {
    suspend fun getUsername(): String?
class CommonUsernameRepository(
  private val remoteRepository: UsernameRepository,
  private val localRepository: UsernameRepository
) : UsernameRepository {
    suspend fun getUsername(): String? {
        return remoteRepository.getUsername() ?: localRepository.getUsername()

. 3 . :

  • ,  null

     - ? . .

  • ,  null

     - ?

  • ,  null

     - ?

, . . , ? - . . , , . - . , .

- .


/sealed classes


/abstract classes

. . - enum

/sealed classes

. - interface

/abstract classes


sealed class UsernameState {
	data class Success(val username: CharSequence?) : UsernameState()
  object Failed : UsernameState()


- , .

enum class NavigationFlow {
fun detectNavigationFlow(): NavigationFlow {
    return when {
        authRepo.isAuthorized() -> NavigationFlow.PIN_CODE
        languageRepo.defaultLanguage != null -> NavigationFlow.CHOOSE_LANGUAGE
        onboardingStorage.isCompleted() -> NavigationFlow.MAIN_SCREEN
        else -> NavigationFlow.ONBOARDING

. .  detectNavigationFlow

  . : , … , , .

enum class NavigationFlow {

sealed class State {
    data class Found(val flow: NavigationFlow) : State()
    object NotFound : State()

interface NavigationFlowProvider {
    //   null NavigationFlow      
    fun getNavigation(): NavigationFlow

interface NavigationFlowResolver {
    fun resolveNavigation(): State

internal class SplashScreenNavigationFlowProvider(
    // Sequence -          .
    //        .
    private val resolvers: Sequence<NavigationFlowResolver>
) : NavigationFlowProvider {

    override fun getNavigation(): NavigationFlow = resolvers
        //     -    
        ?: NavigationFlow.MAIN_SCREEN

N- when

  ChainOfResponsibililty. : . :

  1. SOLID

  2. ,

- . . . , . .  DIP  , .

 . , google. , - "". Android.

BaseActivity. , , . . , , . , - N , … , . - , .  BaseActivity

 - … > 1000 , . SOLID .

, , 2. ?

, Android SDK 14   Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks

  ,  Activity

. .

class App : Application(), KoinComponent {
    override fun onCreate() {
        // ... 
    //  Koin FragmentFactory      Koin
    private class SetupKoinFragmentFactoryCallbacks : EmptyActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
        override fun onActivityCreated(activity: Activity, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            if (activity is FragmentActivity) {

, . :

abstract class BaseActivity(@LayoutRes contentLayoutId: Int = 0) : AppCompatActivity(contentLayoutId) {
    // attachBaseContext   protected
    override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context) {
        //  extension     

BaseFragment. .  FragmentManager,  registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks - .  FragmentLifecycleCallbacks

  -  Activty

. Koin - .

. DIP - Dagger, Koin, .. . ? - ?  5 2018 ,  FragmentFactory  .

BaseApplication. .  Flavors



  . ,  Application

  , , 3rd party . , .

interface Bootstrapper {
    // KoinComponent - entry point DIP        
    fun init(component: KoinComponent)
interface BootstrapperProvider {
    fun provide(): Set<Bootstrapper>
class BootstrapperLauncher(val provider: BootstrapperProvider) {
    fun launch(component: KoinComponent) {
        provider.provide().onEach { it.init(component) }
class App : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {
        //     Koin
        this.get<BootstrapperLauncher>().launch(component = this)


  .   .

- . , . . (), , . , . , - , ?

, .

interface Validator {
    fun validate(contact: CharSequence): ValidationResult

sealed class ValidationResult {
    object Valid : ValidationResult()

    data class Invalid(@StringRes val errorRes: Int) : ValidationResult()

class PhoneNumberValidator : Validator {
    override fun validate(contact: CharSequence): ValidationResult =
        if (REGEX.matches(contact)) ValidationResult.Valid 
        else ValidationResult.Invalid(R.string.error)

    companion object {
        private val REGEX = "[0-9]{16}".toRegex()

, ? , . . , "" , .

, N  MSISDN   E.164:

class PhoneNumberValidator : Validator {
    override fun validate(contact: CharSequence): ValidationResult =
        if (REGEX.matches(contact)) ValidationResult.Valid 
        else ValidationResult.Invalid(R.string.error)

    companion object {
        private val REGEX = "+[0-9]{16}".toRegex()

, , . , . , . .

, :

, , MSISDN .

interface Validator {
    fun validate(contact: CharSequence): ValidationResult

sealed class ValidationResult {
    object Valid : ValidationResult()

    data class Invalid(@StringRes val errorRes: Int) : ValidationResult()
internal class MSISDNNumberValidator : Validator {
internal class E164NumberValidator : Validator {

, , . :

interface ValidatorFactory {
    fun create(type: ValidatorType): Validator?

    interface ValidatorType

    companion object {
        fun create() : ValidatorFactory {
            return DefaultValidatorFactory()
object MSISDN : ValidatorFactory.ValidatorType
object E164 : ValidatorFactory.ValidatorType
private class DefaultValidatorFactory : ValidatorFactory {
    override fun create(type: ValidatorFactory.ValidatorType): Validator? = when(type) {
        is MSISDN -> MSISDNValidator()
        is E164 -> E164Validator()
        else -> null

, . , . -  ValidatorFactory


. .

, , SOLID. , . . ? . . . - . , - . , . 2-3 . enterprise. - . .

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