

  1. 高次の属多型
  2. タイプクラスパターン



TonyHoareの「10億の間違い」を引用するのはすでにやや悪いマナーになっています。これはALGOLW言語へのnullポインターの概念の導入です。このエラーは、腫瘍のように、他の言語に広がりました-C、C ++、Java、そして最後にJS。任意の型の値を変数に割り当てるnull


function foo(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  if (!arg1) {
    return null;

  if (!arg2) {
    throw new Error("arg2 is required")

  if (arg3 && arg3.length === 0) {
    return null;

  // -  -,  arg1, arg2, arg3

TypeScript — strictNullChecks

-nullable null

, TS2322. - , never

, . , API add :: (x: number, y: number) => number

, - , . , Java throws

, try-catch

, TypeScript -, () JSDoc-, .

, . , JVM-: Error () — , (, ); exception () — , (, ). JS/TS- , ( throw new Error()

), . , — « , ».

— « » — .


— nullable-

JS TS nullable- optional chaining nullish coalescing. , , . , optional chaining — if (a != null) {}

, Go:

const getNumber = (): number | null => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 42 : null;
const add5 = (n: number): number => n + 5;
const format = (n: number): string => n.toFixed(2);

const app = (): string | null => {
  const n = getNumber();
  const nPlus5 = n != null ? add5(n) : null;
  const formatted = nPlus5 != null ? format(nPlus5) : null;
  return formatted;


, : None

, Some



type Option<A> = None | Some<A>;

interface None {
  readonly _tag: 'None';

interface Some<A> {
  readonly _tag: 'Some';
  readonly value: A;

, , . «», null, , .

import { Monad1 } from 'fp-ts/Monad';

const URI = 'Option';
type URI = typeof URI;

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly [URI]: Option<A>;

const none: None = { _tag: 'None' };
const some = <A>(value: A) => ({ _tag: 'Some', value });

const Monad: Monad1<URI> = {
  // :
  map: <A, B>(optA: Option<A>, f: (a: A) => B): Option<B> => {
    switch (optA._tag) {
      case 'None': return none;
      case 'Some': return some(f(optA.value));
  //  :
  of: some,
  ap: <A, B>(optAB: Option<(a: A) => B>, optA: Option<A>): Option<B> => {
    switch (optAB._tag) {
      case 'None': return none;
      case 'Some': {
        switch (optA._tag) {
          case 'None': return none;
          case 'Some': return some(optAB.value(optA.value));
  // :
  chain: <A, B>(optA: Option<A>, f: (a: A) => Option<B>): Option<B> => {
    switch (optA._tag) {
      case 'None': return none;
      case 'Some': return f(optA.value);

, . — chain

( bind flatMap ) of

(pure return).

JS/TS , Haskell Scala, nullable-, , , — , (, , ) (Promise/A+, async/await, optional chaining). , - TC39, , .

Option fp-ts/Option

, , :

import { pipe, flow } from 'fp-ts/function';
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option';

import Option = O.Option;

const getNumber = (): Option<number> => Math.random() > 0.5 ? O.some(42) : O.none;
//     !
const add5 = (n: number): number => n + 5;
const format = (n: number): string => n.toFixed(2);

const app = (): Option<string> => pipe(
  O.map(n => add5(n)), //   O.map(add5)

, , app


const app = (): Option<string> => pipe(
  O.map(flow(add5, format)),

N.B. - ( ), : « -», Option ( ) - ( ). ///etc , -. — , Free- Tagless Final. , — .

Either<E, A>

— ,

. , — , - . — , Option, Either:

type Either<E, A> = Left<E> | Right<A>;

interface Left<E> {
  readonly _tag: 'Left';
  readonly left: E;

interface Right<A> {
  readonly _tag: 'Right';
  readonly right: A;

Either<E, A>

, : , E

, , A

. , , — . Either — ////etc, fp-ts/Either

. :

import { Monad2 } from 'fp-ts/Monad';

const URI = 'Either';
type URI = typeof URI;

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind2<E, A> {
    readonly [URI]: Either<E, A>;

const left = <E, A>(e: E) => ({ _tag: 'Left', left: e });
const right = <E, A>(a: A) => ({ _tag: 'Right', right: a });

const Monad: Monad2<URI> = {
  // :
  map: <E, A, B>(eitherEA: Either<E, A>, f: (a: A) => B): Either<E, B> => {
    switch (eitherEA._tag) {
      case 'Left':  return eitherEA;
      case 'Right': return right(f(eitherEA.right));
  //  :
  of: right,
  ap: <E, A, B>(eitherEAB: Either<(a: A) => B>, eitherEA: Either<A>): Either<B> => {
    switch (eitherEAB._tag) {
      case 'Left': return eitherEAB;
      case 'Right': {
        switch (eitherEA._tag) {
          case 'Left':  return eitherEA;
          case 'Right': return right(eitherEAB.right(eitherEA.right));
  // :
  chain: <E, A, B>(eitherEA: Either<E, A>, f: (a: A) => Either<E, B>): Either<E, B> => {
    switch (eitherEA._tag) {
      case 'Left':  return eitherEA;
      case 'Right': return f(eitherEA.right);

, , . , Either, . , API , email , :

  1. Email «@»;
  2. Email «@»;
  3. Email «@», 1 , 2 ;
  4. 1 .

, . , , :

interface Account {
  readonly email: string;
  readonly password: string;

class AtSignMissingError extends Error { }
class LocalPartMissingError extends Error { }
class ImproperDomainError extends Error { }
class EmptyPasswordError extends Error { }

type AppError =
  | AtSignMissingError
  | LocalPartMissingError
  | ImproperDomainError
  | EmptyPasswordError;

- :

const validateAtSign = (email: string): string => {
  if (!email.includes('@')) {
    throw new AtSignMissingError('Email must contain "@" sign');
  return email;
const validateAddress = (email: string): string => {
  if (email.split('@')[0]?.length === 0) {
    throw new LocalPartMissingError('Email local-part must be present');
  return email;
const validateDomain = (email: string): string => {
  if (!/\w+\.\w{2,}/ui.test(email.split('@')[1])) {
    throw new ImproperDomainError('Email domain must be in form "example.tld"');
  return email;
const validatePassword = (pwd: string): string => {
  if (pwd.length === 0) {
    throw new EmptyPasswordError('Password must not be empty');
  return pwd;

const handler = (email: string, pwd: string): Account => {
  const validatedEmail = validateDomain(validateAddress(validateAtSign(email)));
  const validatedPwd = validatePassword(pwd);

  return {
    email: validatedEmail,
    password: validatedPwd,

, — API , . Either:

import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';
import * as A from 'fp-ts/NonEmptyArray';

import Either = E.Either;

, , Either' — , throw

, (Left) :

// :
const validateAtSign = (email: string): string => {
  if (!email.includes('@')) {
    throw new AtSignMissingError('Email must contain "@" sign');
  return email;

// :
const validateAtSign = (email: string): Either<AtSignMissingError, string> => {
  if (!email.includes('@')) {
    return E.left(new AtSignMissingError('Email must contain "@" sign'));
  return E.right(email);

//        :
const validateAtSign = (email: string): Either<AtSignMissingError, string> =>
  email.includes('@') ?
    E.right(email) :
    E.left(new AtSignMissingError('Email must contain "@" sign'));


const validateAddress = (email: string): Either<LocalPartMissingError, string> =>
  email.split('@')[0]?.length > 0 ?
    E.right(email) :
    E.left(new LocalPartMissingError('Email local-part must be present'));

const validateDomain = (email: string): Either<ImproperDomainError, string> =>
  /\w+\.\w{2,}/ui.test(email.split('@')[1]) ?
    E.right(email) :
    E.left(new ImproperDomainError('Email domain must be in form "example.tld"'));

const validatePassword = (pwd: string): Either<EmptyPasswordError, string> =>
  pwd.length > 0 ? 
    E.right(pwd) : 
    E.left(new EmptyPasswordError('Password must not be empty'));


. chainW


, (type widening). , , fp-ts:

  • W

    type Widening — . , Either/TaskEither/ReaderTaskEither , -:

    // ,    A, B, C, D,   E1, E2, E3, 
    //   foo, bar, baz,   :
    declare const foo: (a: A) => Either<E1, B>
    declare const bar: (b: B) => Either<E2, C>
    declare const baz: (c: C) => Either<E3, D>
    declare const a: A;
    //  ,   chain       Either:
    const willFail = pipe(
    //  :
    const willSucceed = pipe(

  • T

    — Tuple (, sequenceT

    ), ( EitherT, OptionT ).
  • S

    structure — , traverseS


    , « — ».
  • L

    lazy, .

— , apSW

: ap

Apply, type widening , .


. chainW

, - AppError:

const handler = (email: string, pwd: string): Either<AppError, Account> => pipe(
  E.chainW(validEmail => pipe(
    E.map(validPwd => ({ email: validEmail, password: validPwd })),

? -, handler

— Account, AtSignMissingError, LocalPartMissingError, ImproperDomainError, EmptyPasswordError. -, handler

— Either , , , - .

NB: , — . TypeScript JavaScript , :

const bad = (cond: boolean): Either<never, string> => {
  if (!cond) {
    throw new Error('COND MUST BE TRUE!!!');
  return E.right('Yay, it is true!');

, , . , , Either/IOEither tryCatch

, — TaskEither.tryCatch


— . -, Option, , , . .

Either - — Validation. -, , — . , Validation , E

concat :: (a: E, b: E) => E

Semigroup. Validation Either , . , ( handler

) , , (validateAtSign, validateAddress, validateDomain, validatePassword).



  • Magma (), — , concat :: (a: A, b: A) => A

    . .
  • concat

    , (Semigroup). , , , — .
  • (unit) — , , — (Monoid).
  • , inverse :: (a: A) => A

    , , (Group).

Groupoid hierarchy


, , : fp-ts Semiring, Ring, HeytingAlgebra, BooleanAlgebra, (lattices) ..

: NonEmptyArray ( ) , . lift

, A => Either<E, B>

A => Either<NonEmptyArray<E>, B>


const lift = <Err, Res>(check: (a: Res) => Either<Err, Res>) => (a: Res): Either<NonEmptyArray<Err>, Res> => pipe(
  E.mapLeft(e => [e]),

, , sequenceT


import { sequenceT } from 'fp-ts/Apply';
import NonEmptyArray = A.NonEmptyArray;

const NonEmptyArraySemigroup = A.getSemigroup<AppError>();
const ValidationApplicative = E.getApplicativeValidation(NonEmptyArraySemigroup);

const collectAllErrors = sequenceT(ValidationApplicative);

const handlerAllErrors = (email: string, password: string): Either<NonEmptyArray<AppError>, Account> => pipe(
  E.map(() => ({ email, password })),

, , :

> handler('user@host.tld', '123')
{ _tag: 'Right', right: { email: 'user@host.tld', password: '123' } }

> handler('user_host', '')
{ _tag: 'Left', left: AtSignMissingError: Email must contain "@" sign }

> handlerAllErrors('user_host', '')
  _tag: 'Left',
  left: [
    AtSignMissingError: Email must contain "@" sign,
    ImproperDomainError: Email domain must be in form "example.tld",
    EmptyPasswordError: Password must not be empty



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