Scala 3 / Dotty-事実と意見。私たちは何を期待していますか?


また、オープンウェビナー EffectsinScala 」にもご招待します参加者は、専門家とともに、効果の概念と、それらが存在する場合に発生する可能性のある複雑さを検討し、機能的効果の概念とその特性を検討します。

Scala 3とは何ですか?

Scala 3は、Scalaプログラミング言語の新しいメジャーバージョンです。これは、他の多くの人々や組織の助けを借りてScalaの開発を調整し、それを可能にするために自由な時間を投資する企業や組織間の長年の研究、開発、およびコラボレーションの結果です。これらの共同作業により、言語に最も顕著な変化がもたらされました。 

, Scala ( DOT- — , Scala 3 Dotty); , , ; ; .

, , , Scala. . , .

Scala 3 — ?

, , Scala , , . , . , . 

, . , , , ( ), Scala 3 Scala. , - , . 


, . Scala 3. . , , . , , . , . , , , , .. , . 

Scala 3 — Python 3?

, Scala 3 — Python 3 . , : , Scala 3, Scala 2.13 ( ); Scala; 2 3 Scala, 2 3 Python 3.


, Scala. , . , . , . , ,

Optional Braces ( )

optional braces , Python. , — , , . , « ». Optional braces — , : 

  1. , (, /, );

  2. ( , scalafmt), , .)

trait Printer:
  def print(msg: String): Unit

class ConsolePrinter extends Printer:
  def print(msg: String): Unit = println(msg)

class EmojiPrinter(underlying: Printer) extends Printer:
  def print(msg: String): Unit =
    val emoji = msg match
      case ":)"  => ?
      case ":D"  => ?
      case ":|"  => ?
      case other => other

, . Scala 3 end . 

class EmojiPrinter(underlying: Printer) extends Printer:
  def print(msg: String): Unit =
    if msg != null then
      val emoji = msg match
        case ":)"  => ?
        case ":D"  => ?
        case ":|"  => ?
        case other => other
    end if
end EmojiPrinter

, , then. 

— — — , .

, end , . , , .

end . — , . , « » . , , end :

  • ,

  • 15

  • 4

, , .. . , . , , .


Scala, Java, enum

, . , Scala 3 - , - :

sealed trait Color
case object Red extends Color
case object Green extends Color
case object Blue extends Color

Scala 3, enum


enum Color:
  case Red, Blue, Green

. , (ADT), . . , Scala 3 ADT enums


enum Option[+T]:
  case Some(x: T) // extends Option[T]       (omitted)
  case None       // extends Option[Nothing] (omitted)

Scala-enum Java-enum, java.lang.Enum, :

enum Color extends Enum[Color]:
  case Red, Blue, Green

println(Color.Green.compareTo(Color.Red)) // 2

, , ADT, enums.

implicit ()

, implicit Scala. , . , implicit , , . , , implicit , , . Scala 3 implicit, . , implicit .

Implicit →

, Scala 3 . implicit . Scala 3 . , .

trait Ord[T]:
  def compare(a: T, b: T): Int

given intOrd: Ord[Int] with // with name
  def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a - b

given Order[String] with // without name
  def compare(a: String, b: String): Int = a.compareTo(b)

Implicit → clauses

( implicit ) . Scala 3 implicit using

. , min

, .

def min[T](a: T, b: T)(using ord: Ord[T]): T =
  if, b) < 0 then a else b

min(4, 2)min(1, 2)(using intOrd)
min("Foo", "Bar")

, .

def printMin[T](a: T, b: T)(using Ord[T]): Unit =
  println(min(a, b))

Implicit →

, implicit , , IDE , implicit . Scala 3 .

object A:
  class TC
  given tc: TC = ???
  def f(using TC) = ???

object B:
  import A._
  import A.given

, wildcad (_)

, Scala 3 , . .

object C:
  import A.{using, _}

, .

Implicit Conversion → Conversion

, Scala 3, Implicit Conversion

, Implicit Conversion

, .  scala.Conversion

, . ,  scala. Conversion

— . .

abstract class Conversion[-T, +U] extends (T => U):
  def apply (x: T): U

, Int Double :

given int2double: Conversion[Int, Double] with
def apply(a: Int): Double = a.toDouble

given Conversion[Int, Double] = _.toDouble


- . , implicit .

Implicit →

, Implicit


case class Image(width: Int, height: Int, data: Array[Byte])

extension (img: Image)
  def isSquare: Boolean = img.width == img.height

val image = Image(256, 256, readBytes("image.png"))

println(image.isSquare) // true

, . .

extension [T](list: List[T])
def second: T = list.tail.head
def heads: (T, T) = (list.head, second)

, «», implicit . , implicit , .

Scala 3 , — .

— , , . &

. &

: A & B

 B & A

. , .

trait Printable[T]:
 def print(x: T): Unit

trait Cleanable:
 def clean(): Unit

trait Flushable:
 def flush(): Unit

def f(x: Printable[String] & Cleanable & Flushable) =
 x.print("working on...")

, . , . members ( ). , . members , members .

trait A:
  def parent: Option[A]

trait B:
  def parent: Option[B]

class C extends A,B:
  def parent: Option[A & B] = None
  // or
  // def parent: Option[A] & Option[B] = Nil

def work(x: A & B) =
  val parent:[A & B] = x.parent
  // or
  // val parent: Option[A] & Option[B] = x.parent
  println(parent) // None

work(new C)

, in class C , children member

A B. C — A B, , Option[A] & Option[B]

Option[A & B]

, Option

() .

A | B   A B. , , members (), . , members, . 

def parseFloat(value: String | Int): Float = 
  value match 
    case str: String => str.toFloat
    case int: Int => int.floatValue

parseFloat("3.14") // 3.14
parseFloat(42) // 42.0

. , (val

, var


) , , ancestor ().

val any = if (cond) 42 else "3.14" // Any
val union: String | Int = if (cond) 42 else "3.14" // String | Int



Scala 3 . . , Scala 3.

Case class

, Case class

, new

. Scala 3 new  . 


Opaque- - . Opaque, , , . Opaque- , . , , Opaque-.

Export clauses

Export clauses — members () - . export - ( ) ( ), members .  

Scala 2 . , Scala 2, Scala 3 . Scala 3 , . Scala 3.

, Scala 3 . :

  •  (C#P)   , .. ;

  • , infix


  • - ;

  • Implicit ;

  • DelayedInit ;

  • ( = );

  • XML , ;

  • , ()



Scala 3?

, , Scala 3. , , Scala 3 .

, , , . Scala. , , . , Scala 3 , .  , , . 

Scala 3?

Scala 3 , , , . , , , Scala 3 , Scala 2.13 ( ), , -.

Scala 3?

Scala 3 Scala 2. , Scala 2. Scala 2.13.4, 2020 , , Scala 3. , Scala 3 . 

Scala 3 Scala. Scala 3 TASTy Pickle Scala 2.x. Scala 2.13.4 TASTy, , , Enums, Intersection types ( ) . .

. , , , .

, , Scala 3 — Scala 2. : , , , . , Scala 3 , , , .


« Scala».

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