

  • 主な目標は、特定の半径で最小値を法として最大値を見つけるアルゴリズムを作成することです。

  • アルゴリズムは効率的で、十分に高速である必要があります

  • 結果はグラフに表示されます




, numpy sinus, cosinus exp. matplotlib .

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

radius = 8                                  # working plane radius
centre = (global_epsilon, global_epsilon)   # centre of the working circle
arr_shape = 100                             # number of points processed / 360
step = radius / arr_shape                   # step between two points

arr_shape 100, , , . , .

, :

def differentiable_function(x, y):
    return np.sin(x) * np.exp((1 - np.cos(y)) ** 2) + \
           np.cos(y) * np.exp((1 - np.sin(x)) ** 2) + (x - y) ** 2


, :

global_epsilon = 0.000000001                # argument increment for derivative


(x, 0), :

def rotate_vector(length, a):
    return length * np.cos(a), length * np.sin(a)

Y, - y:

def derivative_y(epsilon, arg):
    return (differentiable_function(arg, epsilon + global_epsilon) -
        differentiable_function(arg, epsilon)) / global_epsilon

X, - x:

def derivative_x(epsilon, arg):
    return (differentiable_function(global_epsilon + epsilon, arg) -
         differentiable_function(epsilon, arg)) / global_epsilon


2D-, k

gradient = derivative_x(x, y) + derivative_y(y, x)


. :

def calculate_flip_points():
    flip_points = np.array([0, 0])
    points = np.zeros((360, arr_shape), dtype=bool)
    cx, cy = centre

    for i in range(arr_shape):
        for alpha in range(360):
            x, y = rotate_vector(step, alpha)
            x = x * i + cx
            y = y * i + cy
            points[alpha][i] = derivative_x(x, y) + derivative_y(y, x) > 0
            if not points[alpha][i - 1] and points[alpha][i]:
                flip_points = np.vstack((flip_points, np.array([alpha, i - 1])))

    return flip_points

flip_points, :

def pick_estimates(positions):
    vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, positions[1][0])
    cx, cy = centre
    best_x, best_y = cx + vx * positions[1][1], cy + vy * positions[1][1]

    for index in range(2, len(positions)):
        vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, positions[index][0])
        x, y = cx + vx * positions[index][1], cy + vy * positions[index][1]
        if differentiable_function(best_x, best_y) > differentiable_function(x, y):
            best_x = x
            best_y = y

    for index in range(360):
        vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, index)
        x, y = cx + vx * (arr_shape - 1), cy + vy * (arr_shape - 1)
        if differentiable_function(best_x, best_y) > differentiable_function(x, y):
            best_x = x
            best_y = y

    return best_x, best_y


def gradient_descent(best_estimates, is_x):
    derivative = derivative_x if is_x else derivative_y
    best_x, best_y = best_estimates
    descent_step = step
    value = derivative(best_y, best_x)

    while abs(value) > global_epsilon:
        descent_step *= 0.95
        best_y = best_y - descent_step \
            if derivative(best_y, best_x) > 0 else best_y + descent_step
        value = derivative(best_y, best_x)

    return best_y, best_x


def find_minimum():
    return gradient_descent(gradient_descent(pick_estimates(calculate_flip_points()), False), True)


def get_grid(grid_step):
    samples = np.arange(-radius, radius, grid_step)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(samples, samples)
return x, y, differentiable_function(x, y)


def draw_chart(point, grid):
    point_x, point_y, point_z = point
    grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = grid
        'figure.figsize': (4, 4),
        'figure.dpi': 200,
        'xtick.labelsize': 4,
        'ytick.labelsize': 4
    ax = plot.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(point_x, point_y, point_z, color='red')
    ax.plot_surface(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, rstride=5, cstride=5, alpha=0.7)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    min_x, min_y = find_minimum()
    minimum = (min_x, min_y, differentiable_function(min_x, min_y))
draw_chart(minimum, get_grid(0.05))




import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

radius = 8                                  # working plane radius
global_epsilon = 0.000000001                # argument increment for derivative
centre = (global_epsilon, global_epsilon)   # centre of the working circle
arr_shape = 100                             # number of points processed / 360
step = radius / arr_shape                   # step between two points

def differentiable_function(x, y):
    return np.sin(x) * np.exp((1 - np.cos(y)) ** 2) + \
           np.cos(y) * np.exp((1 - np.sin(x)) ** 2) + (x - y) ** 2

def rotate_vector(length, a):
    return length * np.cos(a), length * np.sin(a)

def derivative_x(epsilon, arg):
    return (differentiable_function(global_epsilon + epsilon, arg) -
            differentiable_function(epsilon, arg)) / global_epsilon

def derivative_y(epsilon, arg):
    return (differentiable_function(arg, epsilon + global_epsilon) -
            differentiable_function(arg, epsilon)) / global_epsilon

def calculate_flip_points():
    flip_points = np.array([0, 0])
    points = np.zeros((360, arr_shape), dtype=bool)
    cx, cy = centre

    for i in range(arr_shape):
        for alpha in range(360):
            x, y = rotate_vector(step, alpha)
            x = x * i + cx
            y = y * i + cy
            points[alpha][i] = derivative_x(x, y) + derivative_y(y, x) > 0
            if not points[alpha][i - 1] and points[alpha][i]:
                flip_points = np.vstack((flip_points, np.array([alpha, i - 1])))

    return flip_points

def pick_estimates(positions):
    vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, positions[1][0])
    cx, cy = centre
    best_x, best_y = cx + vx * positions[1][1], cy + vy * positions[1][1]

    for index in range(2, len(positions)):
        vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, positions[index][0])
        x, y = cx + vx * positions[index][1], cy + vy * positions[index][1]
        if differentiable_function(best_x, best_y) > differentiable_function(x, y):
            best_x = x
            best_y = y

    for index in range(360):
        vx, vy = rotate_vector(step, index)
        x, y = cx + vx * (arr_shape - 1), cy + vy * (arr_shape - 1)
        if differentiable_function(best_x, best_y) > differentiable_function(x, y):
            best_x = x
            best_y = y

    return best_x, best_y

def gradient_descent(best_estimates, is_x):
    derivative = derivative_x if is_x else derivative_y
    best_x, best_y = best_estimates
    descent_step = step
    value = derivative(best_y, best_x)

    while abs(value) > global_epsilon:
        descent_step *= 0.95
        best_y = best_y - descent_step \
            if derivative(best_y, best_x) > 0 else best_y + descent_step
        value = derivative(best_y, best_x)

    return best_y, best_x

def find_minimum():
    return gradient_descent(gradient_descent(pick_estimates(calculate_flip_points()), False), True)

def get_grid(grid_step):
    samples = np.arange(-radius, radius, grid_step)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(samples, samples)
    return x, y, differentiable_function(x, y)

def draw_chart(point, grid):
    point_x, point_y, point_z = point
    grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = grid
        'figure.figsize': (4, 4),
        'figure.dpi': 200,
        'xtick.labelsize': 4,
        'ytick.labelsize': 4
    ax = plot.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(point_x, point_y, point_z, color='red')
    ax.plot_surface(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, rstride=5, cstride=5, alpha=0.7)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    min_x, min_y = find_minimum()
    minimum = (min_x, min_y, differentiable_function(min_x, min_y))
    draw_chart(minimum, get_grid(0.05))

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