






  • 電話に[名前]はありますか?/他に誰が電話に出ますか?

  • 行ってもいいですか?     

  • さあ、始めましょう。

  • さあ、始めましょう。


- – , . , .

, : «This is Nick»«It’s Ann here».

« ?»

, . . - . , :

  • Can I cut in here for a second?

  • If I can just jump in here for a moment...

  • Just want to interject here...

  • Sorry to interrupt, ...  / Sorry for interrupting...

« ?»

, , . : «Go ahead».

, , .  «Where was I?»

« »

, , - , . - , , .

  • Please bear with me while I'm [doing something].

  • I'm going to switch over to [the Chrome window] now.

« ?»

– , :

  • Let me share my screen with you.

  • I'm going to share my screen/desktop.

  • I’m going to pull up my presentation.

, : «Can everybody see the first slide?»

« »

, , , :

  • Sorry, I have a hard stop at [3 pm].

  • Sorry, I have to jump to another call.

. , , – .

«- »

, , – , : «Sorry, I‘m having some technical difficulties here».

« »

, :

  • Our internet connection seems to be slow. Please bear with me while the page is loading – it might take a few minutes.

  • I think there’s a problem with the Internet connection at our end.

« »

, : «Hold on a minute»  «Hang on… Is that better?». , :

  • Just a second, I’m going to turn the volume up.

  • We’re looking into it.

  • We're trying to fix it / sort it out.

  • I'll try to sort the problem out.

  • Let me just refresh the page and try again.

« »

, :

  • Did we lose Alex again? Hello?

  • Are you there, Jim?

  • Sorry, guys, I got cut off.

, :

  • Yes, you're back again now.

  • Yes, it's fine now.

« »

, :

  • There’s a delay on the video.

  • The screen is blank.

  • The screen is frozen / You're frozen.

  • The image and sound are out of sync.

  • You’re breaking up a little bit.

  • There’s a bit of an echo on the line.

, mute, , . , ( ) :

  • Sorry, I was on mute.

  • Nick might be on mute.

  • You appear to have been muted.

, :

  • Could you speak up a bit, please?

  • Could you say the last bit again?

  • You're a little bit quiet. Could you speak closer to the microphone?

Buzzword Bingo, . – ! , - , .

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