Dart 2.12:サウンドヌルセーフティとDartFFIが安定したチャネルに送信されました

Dart2.12のリリースを発表した記事の翻訳を紹介します。はい、私たちは出版に非常に遅れたことを知っています:オリジナルは3月3日にリリースされました。ただし、Dart 2.12は重要なリリースであり、投稿することにしました。



FFIは、既存のCコードを呼び出すことができる相互運用性メカニズムです。たとえば、Windows Win32APIにアクセスしますDart2.12はすでに利用可能です。


sound null safety FFI, , Dart. . , web. .

: JS


hot reload



Dart :

  • . x86 ARM JavaScript web. Dart : , , . API, : .

  • . Dart hot reload, . , Dart , async/await - .

  • . null-safe Dart . , . , , , Google Ads Google Assistant, .

Sound null safety . Dart FFI C. C , .

Sound null safety

Sound null safety – Dart , Dart 2.0 . Null safety . null error , , , . Sound null safety .

Non-nullable :

null safety , , null, , null.

Flutter. Flutter null error: The method '>=' was called on null

. :

final int major = version?.major;

final int minor = version?.minor;

if (globals.platform.isMacOS) {

 // plugin path of Android Studio changed after version 4.1.

 if (major >= 4 && minor >= 1) {


final int major = version?.major; final int minor = version?.minor; if (globals.platform.isMacOS) {  // plugin path of Android Studio changed after version 4.1.  if (major >= 4 && minor >= 1) {  ... ? version

null, major

, minor

. , , , , , Flutter. null safety . , DartPad.


. null safety Google, . , null safety. :

  • , null , null. , protobuf, , , null. : null.

  • Google Pay Flutter, Flutter State


    null safety null ; null safety , null , .

  • Flutter , Flutter , scene


    () null

    . null safety — mark Scene as non-nullable, , null.


null safety , non-nullable:

// In null-safe Dart, none of these can ever be null.

var i = 42; // Inferred to be an int.

String name = getFileName();

final b = Foo();

, null, , ? :

// aNullableInt can hold either an integer or null.

int? aNullableInt = null;

Null safety : nullable . , null, Dart nullable non-nullable:

int definitelyInt(int? aNullableInt) {

 if (aNullableInt == null) {

   return 0;


 // aNullableInt has now promoted to a non-null int.

 return aNullableInt;


, required

. , required

( API Flutter) , :

null safety

Null safety – . , : , . 

Null safety – : Dart 2.12 null safety. , null safety, , null safety .

null safety,

. null . - , . .

, dart create

flutter create,

sound null safety. , , . null safety dart migrate


null safety Dart

- sound null safety, , null safety. , sound null safety : null safety , .

null-safe- Dart, Flutter, Firebase Material. : pub.dev null safety. 

, : 98% 100 , 78% 250, 57% 500 null safety . , pub.dev null safety. , pub.dev .

sound null safety

, Dart (sound). Dart 100% , non-nullable null. Dart non-nullable, non-nullable. Dart, sound null safety Swift, .

Sound null safety Dart : . Dart , non-nullable null, . , (AOT) Dart , nulls: , null.

Dart FFI Dart C

Dart FFI C , C , . Dart 2.12, Dart FFI - . , (struct) .

C , . FFI , Dart 2.12 . C, , :

struct Link {

 double value;

 Link* next;


void MoveByReference(Link* link) {

 link->value = link->value + 10.0;


Coord MoveByValue(Link link) {

 link.value = link.value + 10.0;

 return link;


C API . . :

struct Wheel {

 int spokes;


struct Bike {

 struct Wheel front;

 struct Wheel rear;

 int buildYear;


Dart 2.12 FFI .



( #44622), . , Opaque

. dart:ffi


, elementAt


, ( #44621). package:ff

i , . :

// Allocate a pointer to an Utf8 array, fill it from a Dart string,

// pass it to a C function, convert the result, and free the arg.


// Before API change:

final pointer = allocate<Int8>(count: 10);


final arg = Utf8.toUtf8('Michael');

var result = helloWorldInC(arg);



// After API change:

final pointer = calloc<Int8>(10);


final arg = 'Michael'.toNativeUtf8();

var result = helloWorldInC(arg);




API , Dart , C. , , FFI C. , : package:ffigen.


, FFI , FFI , . :

  • , ABI , int, long, size_t (#36140)

  • Inline (#35763)

  • (#38158)

  • - (#38491)

  • Dart (#35770; C)


Dart FFI API C. :

  • open_file API, . FFI API (Windows, macOS Linux).

  • win32 API Win32, API Windows Dart.

  • objectbox – «» , C.

  • tflite_flutter FFI Dart TensorFlow Lite API.

Dart ?

Sound null safety – , Dart . , . , .

(type aliases) (#65): , . , typedef :

typedef IntList = List<int>;

IntList il = [1,2,3];

(triple-shift operator) (#120): , >>>, .

- (Generic metadata annotations) (#1297): - , .

(Static meta-programming) (#1482): — Dart, Dart , Rust function builder- Swift. . , , .

Dart 2.12

Dart 2.12 sound null safety FFI SDK Dart 2.12 Flutter 2.0. null safety Dart Flutter. , , Dart issue tracker.

, pub.dev, , sound null safety. null safety, , .

, !

sound null safety FFI. , : @dart_lang.

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